Saturday, May 8, 2010

Driftwood playing at Canterbury Climate Fair 2pm on 15th May

Canterbury Climate fair is next weekend - 15th & 16th May in Central Canterbury (The Parade and St George’s St ) between 10am  - 4pm. Organised by Canterbury Greenpeace.

There will be eco-traders, NGOs, ethical exhibitors and green entertainers. Stalls include CPRE, Greenpeace, Dover Bees, Fairtrade, Oxfam, Eternal Energy, Slow bread, Greener alternative, FOE, Canterbury Plants, People & Planet, Sustrans/Spokes, Wildwood, Friendly Soaps, Driftwood, Conker Conservation, WEDG, UKC, Moven Smooth and New Internationalist Deal With It will be having a stall there on Sunday 16th - so call in and say hello....

Driftwood are playing at 2pm on Saturday (its Rose's birthday) - there is a excellent line up for the two days:

Saturday: SpyPlane, Adrian O, Deal Hoodeners, Stuart Pendrill, Loose Change, Les Cruttenden, Driftwood, John Barden & Brian Rogers, Mac & Clive and RedEye + more to be confirmed

Sunday:  Fred Holden, John Gisbey, Mike Wood, Dave Ferra, Spygenius, Stuart Pendrill, Loose Change, Bill and Chris, Jim Bryden, Bottles, Standard 5, The Bluegrass Boys and Gavin Randall (but not necessarily in that order!)

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