Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scary Driftwood....

And they did not need makeup!
Driftwood played Halloween at the Rare Breeds Centre in Kent on Thursday and Saturday - A couple great evenings as we were playing in the departure lounge for the tractors taking people to get the bejeebers scared out of them in the woods ....

Some 800-1000 people had Driftwood with a very creepy Adrian O acting as the MC (think of a mix of funeral parlour meets Widow Twankie and you get the idea) inflicted on them [In my humble opinion the 'woods' were a relief to most of them Ed.!].

The set included all the greats like 'Bad Moon', a 'Drop of  Uggy's Blood' and 'What should we do with the Drunken Vampire'.... enough said.

Well done Adrian for doing all four nights.

The Rare Breeds Centre is fantastic and inspiring place. It gives people with a variety of needs a home and a real anchor in the community and its got some pretty amazing animals too!